"SADDLEBAGS" by John Woolley / 12 years old
"EUBIE IN CONCERT" by John Woolley / 10 years old
"N.Y.C SKYLINE" by John Woolley / 12 years old
"S.F. GOURMET DOGS" by John Woolley / 10 years old
"LOMBARDI'S" by John Woolley / 11 years old
John was 9 years old in the summer after 3rd grade when he started drawing and painting on a regular basis. At that time he began his books “Backyard Journals” that included his artwork and his writings. He has finished over 100 pages and over 250 art pieces since then. He has been published twice in “The Moonlight Chronicles” by author Dan Price. Winsor- Newton art supply company in England saw his work, loved it and has since written to John praising his work and sending along art supplies for John to add to his studio. He was listed on Sakura of America’s website as one of their featured artists. Urban Sketchers in Seattle contacted John during the summer of 2009 and did an interview with him. That interview boosted his exposure worldwide. He has been lucky to see many comments on blogs and websites around the world regarding his artwork. John has also been interviewed by Art Business News Magazine twice, The Press Enterprise Newspaper, The 2010 International Artexpo Magazine, and in an article from the North County Times Newspaper. Pulitzer Prize winner Steve Breen has also noted John's work. John also joined the roster of artists at Sterling Lord Literistic for a number of years.
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